About Me

My history in this particular service industry all started by accident.

I fully retired in 2021; however, I am back at it. I fixed everything around the house, now I need to fix “something”… and hopefully, that would be to help you.

Like many good things, most people don’t know when they have something handed to them that could be life changing; but when they do, they seldom do anything with it.

I have always loved building and fixing things.

Since I had this in my blood, the assembly industry was an awesome fit that allowed me to help people while actually having fun. Not too many people are blessed with that kind of career. I also have a background in the sign industry as a draftsman and research manager of building codes, to determine permissibility for a business’ signage; along with providing a little engineering support. Along that journey of working at a few commercial sign shops in central Ohio, I made some contacts. At one point, I owned my own small vinyl sign shop where I made real estate signs and did some vehicle lettering.

One day, like most other days, things were not all that busy in my shop. I received a phone call from previous coworker asking me how things were going at my sign shop. I said, “Not so good”… he replied, “Good”! Perplexed by his response I remember asking… “What does that mean”? He went on to tell me there was some assembly work where he needed a helper. So long story short, the next day, I closed the shop and went with him.

At the end of the day of assembling some office furniture, I asked him if he was hiring. He replied no, but the company I contract with is. It took less than a week and I was on board with the National Assembly Company and cranking out the assembly of office furniture. I saw the potential in the assembly industry and started my own small furniture assembly service in Central Ohio and found a few places that would hand out my business card.

A local ready-to-assemble superstore decided they would pass out my assembly business cards; I setup a website called Assemble-4-You to help enhance my business cards and other printed advertising. Things were really good. However, one day the leads (jobs) stop coming in, and when I called the store to see how things were going there, I was told good. So I said, I wonder why I am not getting calls since thing are good here. The owner (whom I was talking to) said he decided to let his warehouse guys do the assemblies. I just turned around and walked out.

A couple weeks before my leads were turned off; a national assembly company was looking for a tech in the central Ohio area. When they found my website, I received a phone call from them asking me if I would be interested in contracting with them. Gracefully I turned them down; that same national assembly company came back with another offer a couple weeks later only a couple days after my leads shut down… the owner of the national company asked me if I would be interested in him buying my website and hiring me as a regional manager.

The difference with this company and my small local assembly service was, they would assemble, install and repair anything, and they had hundreds of technicians that I would be responsible for. Even though I was a natural at everything they offered, it opened my eyes as to how big this assembly industry really is. That company eventually failed along with two more of the National Assembly Companies I had worked for as a managing employee.

So long story shortened here… I became an expert in this industry of all of the products we serviced, and technician supported our clients which were large national retail chains. As a regional manager, I was also the trainer of new contractors. I took my training position very serious and bought a video camera to record training sessions so aspiring technicians I recruited from around the country could get up to par quickly.

Today, I have experience on both sides of the proverbial fence as a corporate manager; but you see, I always have been and always will be a technician first.

I love my job!!!